index - Multidisciplinary Institute in Artificial intelligence - Grenoble Alpes Access content directly

MIAI Grenoble Alpes (Multidisciplinary Institute in Artificial Intelligence) aims to conduct research in artificial intelligence at the highest level, to offer attractive courses for students and professionals of all levels, to support innovation in large companies, SMEs and startups and to inform and interact with citizens on all aspects of AI.

The activities of MIAI Grenoble Alpes are structured around two main themes : future AI systems and AI for human beings the environment.

Instructions to authors: If your research work has been supported by the MIAI Grenoble Alpes, please mention in your article:  "This work has been partially supported by MIAI@Grenoble Alpes, (ANR-19-P3IA-0003)."







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Image reconstruction Classification Privacy Speech synthesis Detectors Optimization Optimal control Asymptotic stability Audio-visual speech enhancement Machine learning Manifold learning Dimensionality reduction Representation learning AI Data mining Image fusion Brain Task analysis Fairness Speech motor control Hyperspectral image Ethics Alternating direction method of multipliers Biometrics Adaptation models Hyperspectral imaging Anomaly detection Artificial intelligence Feature extraction Alternating direction method of multipliers ADMM Online learning Stochastic differential equations Data fusion Infinite-dimensional systems Prediction Training Deep learning Data visualization Co-design Super-resolution Multispectral Stochastic approximation Éthique Adherence Sparsity Evaluation Attention mechanism Automatic speech recognition Semantic segmentation Artificial Intelligence AI Spectral clustering Tensors Backstepping Continuous positive airway pressure Neural networks Hyperspectral Random matrix theory Machine Learning Stabilization Convolution Algorithmes Unsupervised learning Convex optimization Pansharpening Kernel methods Deep learning DL Agriculture Data models Artificial Intelligence Europe AI Governance Digital health e-health Affect stories Output feedback Remote sensing RS Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Agricultural exposome Endmember variability Object detection Convolutional neural networks Community detection Intelligence artificielle Sleep apnea Generative models Obstructive sleep apnea Dictionaries Spatial resolution Remote sensing Deep Learning Speech production Asymptotic normality Variational inference Digital public health Computer vision Air pollution Big data Scheduling Nash equilibrium CPAP COVID-19